

How to Take an Ice Bath
Introduction to Ice Bathing

Welcome to How to Take an Ice Bath!
The purpose of this guide is to provide you with a framework and strategy to approach ice bathing successfully from your very first plunge.
In the end each and every one of us tends to do their own thing in the water and that’s totally cool, as one should. Some people just jump in, white knuckle their way through the whole time and consider that a success, while others approach it a bit more methodically. Some like to game submerging in colder and colder water as fast as possible while others are simply attempting to establish a new habit slowly over time.
In the end stress is stress, as long as you persist and continue your practice in a meaningful way you will learn and grow and your ritual will change over time.
We encourage you to use the following approach as a starting point for your new practice and allow your true practice to reveal itself over time as you gain experience and become a pro ice bather.
For those of you who aren’t quite at the ice bath stage yet we offer a 7 Day Cold Exposure Challenge email series with steps that slow walk you up to an ice bath as well. Please sign up for it on our home page.
Although this is guide is about the basics we have a series of blog posts on what ice bathing looks like at 1-3 months, 3-6 months in, and 12+ months for you to gain a better understanding of how your practice might change over time.
Good Luck!