

Common Problems

The majority of troubleshooting issues have to do with water circulation.
Please review the following problem/solution statements to ensure your Submerge Tub is setup properly.
The Chiller turns on but water isn’t circulating in the Tub and the display is stuck on the startup screen.
The code y2.0 is what displays on startup when the Chiller is priming with water. Seeing this screen for up to 2-3 minutes is normal when setting up a new tub or after cleaning and changing the water.
If after 5 minutes the display doesn’t show the current Tub temperature and water isn’t circulating, please turn the Chiller off and follow the steps below testing after each by turning the Chiller back on to see if the problem has resolved.
  1. The Water Valves on the tub could be closed and hoses leaking if not installed properly with o-rings.
    1. Ensure that the Tub Water Valves are in the open (parallel) position, that the water hoses have o-rings properly set in all 4 ends, and the hoses aren’t loose or too tight.
  1. The water strainer could be dirty and blocking water flow.
    1. Check that the Water Filter and Inner Water Strainer are clean.
  1. The water filter and housing could be improperly seated or installed.
    1. Open the water filter housing and check that the filter is properly saturated and theres nothing obstructing its installation.
    2. Make sure the water filter housing is not screwed on just right as the chiller cannot run properly if this essential housing is loose or far too tight.
    3. Replace the water filter if necessary.
    4. Check OUTLET Port to ensure it is not stuck in closed position
      1. There is a Check Valve inside the outlet port on the Chiller. This can become stuck in the closed position and prevent water from flowing through the unit. If you notice that the Chiller is trying to prime but no bubbles are coming out from the Tub water-in fitting, this is a possible resolution. You will first close the Valves by rotating to the Closed (perpendicular) position. Then Remove the Outlet Chiller Hose and check to see if the little pin in the valve is stuck outward (toward you). If it is stuck outward, use a small screwdriver and press on it gently. If it was indeed stuck, you will feel / hear a little click that indicates the Check Valve has returned to position. Reinstall the Chiller Hose, open the Tub valve, and try Chiller again.
Air Trapped in Unit
If you have recently taken a Chiller Hose off of the Chiller or Tub (For example, to clean the Inner Water Strainer), it is possible that an air lock can be created within the Chiller. We will want to release this air lock in the system by loosening the Lower Water Filter Housing. Loosen the housing until it is completely off, fill up with water to the top, and reinstall.
Hose connections leaking
Check to ensure gasket is in place; Disconnect and reconnect Chiller Hose, ensuring snug hand tight connection; Replace Hose O-Ring with new one.
Tub deflates immediately after inflating
When inflating, ensure that the Inflation Valve Pin is in the depressed (out) position prior to hooking up the Inflation Hose; if unsuccessful, Tub Inflation Valve may be damaged and require replacement.
Tub deflates over time
Temperature change may cause air pressure in Tub to change slightly, re-inflate accordingly; If deflation continues regularly, use the air valve wrench, and tighten the valve assembly. If deflation continues, an air leak may be present. Air leaks can be found by using soapy water to locate the leak, and then the included repair kit can be used to prevent further leaking.
Chiller will not turn on
Ensure Chiller is plugged into an active power source and ensure the Power Switch on the back of the Chiller is up in the “on” position. Press the orange “T” Test Button above the Power Switch. The Power Switch should flip to the down “off” position. Now flip the Power Switch back up to the “on” position. If this test does not cause the Power Switch to turn off, do not proceed, and contact support for assistance.
Water is dripping from the chiller
During heating mode, condensation may develop inside the Chiller in certain high humidity conditions. A small amount of water drainage from the Chiller is normal in this circumstance; Check Hose Connections are secure and that they are tight and have O-Rings in place; Check Water Filter Housing connection and that it is tight and has the Filter Housing O-Ring in place; Check Drain Plug Cap is in place and tight.
When temperature set point is increased, chiller does not stop running
If changing from a low set point to a higher one, or vice versa, the Chiller will switch from Cooling mode to Heating mode to reach the new set point. The Chiller will also cool or heat to a temperature just beyond the set point to ensure the Chiller does not cycle on and off excessively, and will restart automatically when the water temperature gets outside of the set range by a few degrees Fahrenheit.
Water has become cloudy
Check filter element and replace if discolored; Add 60cc (2oz) of Oxidizer to water to break down organics and allow to run for 2 hours; Replace water if this fails.
Tub is difficult to get into bag
It is important that the Tub be fully deflated before folding. This is done by deflating with the Double Action Hand Pump with Inflation Hose on the “Deflate” side. Ensure Tub is folded correctly per Takedown instructions.
Cannot connect chiller to wifi
Ensure that the WiFi network you are trying to access is 2.4ghz. This product only works with a 2.4ghz wireless network. Some networks can be configured to provide both frequencies if they are dual-band; Ensure WiFi password is correct by testing with another device; Ensure Chiller is in-range of WiFi signal; Ensure device with Tuya Smart app has internet connection.
Chiller Error Codes

E1/FL/FU - Too much air inside the water circulating loop
→ Double check the Chiller Hoses, Hose Connectors, External Water Strainer, and Water Filter Housing to see if any connections are not properly made. Review Water Circulation Troubleshooting above for more detailed steps to resolve.
E2/HH - Water temperature is too high
→ Wait for the water temperature to cool down and then select “Mode” (second button) to cancel this error code.

E3/FU - Water flow is low
→ See Water Circulation Troubleshooting instructions above for detailed steps to resolve.
E4/AA - Temperature sensor T4 failure
→ Contact Submerge Ice Bath Support.
E5/PA - Temperature sensor T3 failure
→ Contact Submerge Ice Bath Support.
CH2 - Temperature sensor T2 failure
→ Contact Submerge Ice Bath Support.