Set Up Instructions Start Submerging in 5 Easy Steps
Once you’ve decided on the perfect place for your ice bath; you have power, water, and a drain close by, you are ready to begin setting up.
Before You Begin Tips on Orientation
a. Tub Orientation
Logo Side
You should use the logo side ↑ as the display side, the side you enter the Tub from.
Point the valve side ↓ away or facing a wall. Tub Water Valves have been provided to direct the Water Hoses down instead of out for convenient and space saving Tub orientation.
Valve Side
b. Chiller Orientation
Your Chiller sucks air in from the front and sides, and a fan pushes air out of the back of the machine. You will want to orient your Chiller facing your Tub so that its not intentionally blowing hot air onto itself.
Decide on chiller placement
With this orientation in mind you can place your Chiller on either right or left of the logo side of your Tub.
Step 1 Inflate the Tub
WHAT YOU NEED The Tub, 2 Water Valve Fittings, the Manual Inflation Pump, and Inflation Hose.
a. Unpack and Place
Place the Tub Logo Side Down
If you are setting up for the first time, go ahead and remove the tub from the backpack, remove the storage straps, unroll the tub in the position you wish to place it going forward, and stand in front of it oriented like the photo below.
Attach Water Valve Fittings
Attach the 2 Water Valve Fittings to the WATER IN and WATER OUT circles on the tub by screwing them clockwise until tight. Tighten by hand only. Water may leak if too loose or tight.
Attach valve fittings and tighten by hand
The purpose of the Water Valve Fittings are 2 fold. The elbows direct the Water Hoses down instead of straight out allowing for better hose management and tub placement. Secondly it includes a ball valve with a blue switch to manually control the flow of water which helps with maintenance.
Position Water Valve Fittings
Position the top Fittings down and the bottom Fitting either left or right to whichever side of your Tub you intend to place your Chiller.
b. Prepare for Inflation
Let’s get familiar with how the Double Action Air Pump works to inflate and deflate the Tub. The Inflation Hose has 1 end that connects to the Tub, and 1 end that connects to the Air Pump.
Connect the Inflation Hose to the Double Action Air Pump
The top of the Air Pump has 2 openings, to INFLATE or DEFLATE. Connect the Inflation Hose to the side that reads INFLATE.
Dual Action Air Pump
Use the side marked ‘INFLATE’
Open Valve Cap on the Tub
On the Tub there is a black circle with a valve cap inside it. Twist the cap counter clockwise to reveal the tub’s inflation valve.
Set valve pin to OUT position
The inside of the valve consists of a white pin on a spring. The white pin can be pressed IN, and then pressed again to come OUT. To INFLATE the Tub the pin must be in the OUT position.
If the Tub is inflated and you press the pin IN the tub will deflate.
The inflation pin on your Tub will come in the default OUT position.
Attach Air Pump Hose to Tub Inflation Valve
Twist the Inflation Hose onto the Inflation Valve 1/4 turn.
c. Inflate the Tub
Begin Pumping
Inflate the Tub until the gauge on the Air Pump reads 10 PSI. It should take less than 1 min of pumping action to inflate the Tub.
Remove Inflation Hose & Replace Valve Cap
A small volume of air will escape loudly when you remove the Inflation Hose off the Inflation Valve, this is normal. Proceed to replace the Valve Cap to complete.
Step 2 Connect the Chiller
What you’ll need: The Chiller, the Inner Water Strainer, the Water Strainer Cover, and the 2 Water Hoses.
a. Place Inflated Tub in Desired Location
Now that the Tub is inflated lets connect it to the Chiller.
Place your Tub where you plan to use it.
b. Connect Metal Filter
Start by removing the 2 Drain Caps on the Chiller, then turn the Inner Water Strainer onto the CHILLER INLET.
Next turn the Water Strainer Cover clockwise over the Inner Water Strainer.
Ensure both strainer components are tightened by hand just enough, not loose or too tight.
c. Attach Water Hoses
Unwrap the 2 Water Hoses and confirm an O-ring is inside each end of both hoses.
If an O-ring is missing please replace it with one of the extras provided.
Position the Chiller in Desired Location
Decide which side of the Tub you will place the Chiller and roll it into position.
Connect Water Hoses
The Tub has 2 connection points labelled WATER IN and WATER OUT.
The Chiller has 2 connection points labelled INLET and OUTLET.
1 Water Hose should connect WATER IN to OUTLET, and the other Water Hose WATER OUT to INLET.
The Water Hoses should all thread easily onto the Tub. If you feel any resistance remove and attach again. Hand tighten only, if loose or too tight water may leak.
Step 3 Fill It Up
a. Confirm Final Tub Placement & Fill
Once you are happy with the exact position of Tub, add water to the FILL LINE.
Water from any tap around your house works! (garden hose, laundry tap, kitchen/bathroom sink, etc.)
The FILL LINE represents approximately 65-70 gallons of water. (250L)
You can add an extra inch or 2 of water to preference but we suggest you start at the fill line and optimize thereafter.
b. Install Water Filter
Installing the Water Filter
Twist to remove the clear plastic Water Filter Compartment on the side of the Chiller.
Unwrap a Water Filter, submerge the filter in the water inside the Tub, and shake it around to purge any air.
Place the wet filter in the filter compartment and then fill the compartment with water from the Tub or water source.
Return the now full filter compartment to the filter housing by turning counter clockwise until hand tight. Again, too loose and too tight are both bad.
Step 4 Turn it On
a. Check Valve Positioning
Confirm the Tub Water Valves are in the PARALLELOPEN position so that water can flow freely between the Submerge Tub and Chiller.
b. Test Circuit Interrupter
Before turning the Submerge Chiller on its good to test the circuit interrupter first.
Circuit interrupters are particularly important in areas where electrical circuits might come into contact with water so one has been included with your Submerge Chiller.
The circuit interrupter has a POWERSWITCH and a TESTBUTTON.
Testing the Circuit Interruptor
Plug the Submerge Chiller into a standard 120v grounded power outlet.
Flick the POWERSWITCH into the up position, then press the TESTBUTTON.
The POWERSWITCH should flick into the down position. Flick it back up to proceed.
If the POWERSWITCH does NOT flick back down after pressing the TESTBUTTON do NOT continue, reach out to support for assistance.
PRO TIP Its good to test the Circuit Interrupter every so often.
If you are outside make sure you’re using a raised covered socket
If you are using an extension cord make sure its not touching the ground and away from water.
Organize your setup to avoid getting your electrical wet.
c. Turn on the Chiller
Turning on the Chiller Power Supply
Press the POWER BUTTON above the circuit interrupter in the UP ( l ) position to power on the machine.
Turn on Chiller Control Panel
Press and hold the power button on the control panel to turn your Submerge Chiller on.
Your Chiller takes about 10 seconds to initialize. It starts by purging air until all of the air is gone flashing “y2.0” until complete.
Once completed, this code will change to the current water temperature and your Chiller will begin cooling or heating.
If the “FL” (Flow) error appears, or if this step takes longer than 2-3 minutes, turn the machine off using the button on the control panel, check that the Water Valves are open, both Water Hose connections and Filter Housing are connected properly, and turn the Chiller back on.
Step 5 Get ready to Submerge
WHAT YOU’LL NEED Granulated chlorine, spa water test strips, pH Up, and the Lid.
a. Set the Temperature & Ozone
To set the temperature press the “S” key. The set temp gauge will flash. Use the up or down arrows to set your desired temperature. Press the “S” key once more to lock the setting. The temperature gauge will stop flashing.
Your Submerge Chiller has an internal ozone generating mechanism that never needs replacing that ozonates the water. It has 4 settings; 0 (OFF), 1, 2, 3.
The 1, 2, and 3 selections are the number of minutes of ozone injected into the water every 15 minutes.
The default setting is OFF. We recommend setting it to 2.
Press the “S” key until the set temperature flashes then press and hold the “W” key until the control panel changes to the ozone setting.
Press the up or down buttons until 2 shows on the main control panel and press the “S” key to lock the setting. (Read more about ozone in our Water Maintenance article.)
PRO TIP If you’ve never taken an ice bath before or setting up for the first time we recommend a good starting temperature range of 53ºF-57ºF (12ºC-14ºC).
b. Sanitize Water
Sanitizing the water for the first time
Water from city taps are generally pH balanced, if you’re unsure about this please use a spa water test strip to confirm. (If pH is unbalanced see Water Maintenance article)
Assuming you’re starting with pH balanced water lets add some granulated chlorine to sanitize your ice bath.
WARNING Never add dry chemicals to your ice bath.
Measure 1 tsp in a small bowl, add water, and stir until fully dissolved.
Add your fully dissolved liquid chlorine mixture to your ice bath and mix.
Wait a few minutes and use a test strip to confirm you have enough chlorine.
If its not in optimum range (3-5ppm) dissolve another teaspoon of granulated chlorine and add to your ice bath.
On-going water maintenance
Your ice bath won’t require more than 1-2 tsp of chlorine to start or ongoing every week or even every 2 weeks depending on usage. These small amounts of chlorine are all you need to keep your tub sparkling.
(Please review the Maintenance articles to cover all the bases.)
PRO TIP Go to Accessories to find links to every product you will need to sanitize your ice bath.
c. Using the Cover
With your ice bath setup and full of sanitized water humming to your desired temperature its ready to throw the lid on to insulate the tub and help it cool faster.
Setting the safety buckle locks
Use of the combination buckle locks are recommended for all users, especially for those with children.
Set each buckle with the following 5 steps:
A. The original code is preset to “00.”
B. To change or set the pin:
There is a pin inside each side of the buckle that corresponds to the number beside it. Locate the pin on the left side of the buckle and press it with a pen or a toothpick.
While pressing the pin, rotate the dial to your desired pin.
Repeat on the right side.
Test to confirm buckle opens and closes without issue.
Repeat above for each buckle.
Congratulations! After a few hours of cooling your home ice bath will be ready to submerge in.
PRO TIP Make sure to read up on Water Maintenance & System Maintenance next so you know how to keep everything running perfect condition as well as App Setup to automate your systems functions.